Aprire un negozio online. Da dove iniziare?

Aprire un negozio online. Da dove iniziare?

Tutti i giorni nuovi imprenditori scelgono di aprire un ecommerce invece che un negozio, stanchi delle difficoltà e costi fissi dei negozi (affitti, luce, dipendenti, etc...). Desiderano aprire un e-commerce per vendere online, per affiancare una attività di vendita parallela o alternativa a quella tradizionale.

Cosa fare prima di intraprendere una attività di vendita online?

Purtroppo la maggior parte degli imprenditori pensano che basti commissionare la realizzazione di un sito e-commerce senza dover fare altro, ma non è così. Vediamo step per step come è consigliato procedere.

Innanzitutto, se è una nuova attività è molto differente rispetto ad aprire una estensione online di una attività esistente, ma è importante comprendere che a differenza di una attività commerciale tradizionale, aprire un negozio online significa rivolgersi a "potenziali clienti" molto differenti gli uni dagli altri e quindi è molto importante e consigliato partire da una analisi di mercato per poi studiare una strategia di comunicazione per rivolgersi al corretto target di clientela e progettare e realizzare quindi un sito web e-commerce non solo bello, ma efficace.

Preparazione dei contenuti ed adempimenti burocratici

Giunti a questo punto è importante scegliere il nome del dominio, tenendo conto del naming dell'azienda, ma anche delle keywords principali che aiuterebbero il sito a posizionarsi meglio e più velocemente.

TLD e naming del dominio: Le TLD, ovvero Top-Level Domain (dominio di primo livello), sono l'ultimo segmento di un nome di dominio, cioè la parte che segue il "." finale. La maggiormente conosciuta per il territorio italiano è il ".it", e le più conosciute a livello internazionale sono ".com", ".net", ".org" e vi sono tantissime TLD specifiche per differenti nazioni, ma sempre più nuove TLD specifiche per differenti utilizzi e settori. E' quindi possibile creare dei domini a dominio che utilizzando anche la TLD nel naming oppure che indicano la categoria merceologica se ben definita. (vedere Elenco TLD e mercato di riferimento a fine articolo)

Comunicare l'apertura di un e-commerce

Anche per il commercio online è obbligatorio per iniziare l'attività, la presentazione di una Scia ( segnalazione certificata di inizio attività).

Se esiste già una attività, quindi la nuova attività di vendita è accessoria, non occorre alcun titolo di legittimazione aggiuntivo e non è quindi necessario presentare alcun modulo e se venisse attivato un nuovo sito web, sarà sufficiente segnalare anche il nuovo indirizzo web.

Qualora l'attività di commercio elettronico abbia una propria rilevanza economica, una propria organizzazione e personali, allora si deve configurare una attività secondaria con l'obbligo di presentare una nuova Scia al comune competente.

Tipologia di vendita e target clienti

Quando si vende online, non sempre ci si rivolge esclusivamente ai consumatori, bensì è sempre più in crescita il commercio elettronico B2B (ovvero fra aziende) con acquisti online all'ingrosso, talvolta affiancati in contemporanea sul medesimo sito, anche dalla vendita al dettaglio.

Quali saranno quindi i clienti di riferimento? Quale lingua parlano e soprattutto in che nazione si trovano?

L'e-commerce venderà prodotti fisici, digitali o servizi?

Queste ed altre domande saranno fondamentali per definire la strategia corretta nella creazione della comunicazione e nelle funzionalità che dovrà avere il sito e-commerce per rivolgersi correttamente al proprio target.

Obiettivi e budget

Giunti a questo punto è molto importante conoscere i propri obiettivi ed il proprio budget per essere consapevoli della strada da percorrere per la crescita del sito web e l'acquisizione di clienti e vendite, investendo correttamente il proprio budget.

Quali sono le 2 principali strade che si potranno percorrere? Advertise (pubblicità) e SEO (posizionamento organico).

Se si desidera creare velocemente un flusso di nuovi clienti e vendite è sicuramente obbligatorio utilizzare i canali pubblicitari, se invece si ha la pazienza di fare crescere il proprio sito la SEO è sicuramente la strada con il miglior rapporto investimento/risultati.

Quali soluzioni è consigliato valutare?

I principali canali pubblicitari per avviare un e-commerce sono l'ormai conosciuto PPC ovvero AdWords, ma nel caso dei prodotti può non essere sufficiente in quanto per chi cerca specifici prodotti sui motori di ricerca, è meno efficace una pubblicità tradizionale, rispetto a quelle su Google Shopping, che mettono in vetrina i prodotti, indicando già nella vetrina i prezzi e collegandosi al sito per acquistare.


Altre soluzioni pubblicitarie per la vendita online sono i portali comparativi di cui il maggiormente conosciuto è trovaprezzi e propone appunto comparazioni fra i medesimi prodotti proposti da differenti venditori, così da poter confrontare le differenti proposte (prezzo + spedizione).


Ma vi sono tantissime differenti soluzioni pubblicitarie alternative da testare per fare conoscere il proprio ecommerce ricordandosi che la strategia per l'advertise cambia a seconda di tanti fattori da valutare con molta attenzione in quanto è facile investire un budget pubblicitario molto importante e avere pochi, se non nulli riscontri in termini di vendite.

Quando la SEO è più efficace rispetto all'Advertise

La SEO come ormai quasi tutti sanno, consente un investimento più controllato e con efficacia duratura nel tempo, quindi tutto l'investimento fatto giorno dopo giorno, continua a portare risultati anche in futuro. Purtroppo lavorare su un sito per curarne l'ottimizzazione è un lavoro lento e meticoloso che comincerà a portare risultati dopo un tempo medio lungo quindi serve pazienza... e ancora di più se si parte da un sito nuovo, quindi senza nessuna anzianità su internet, ma come accennavamo poche righe sopra, quando il meccanismo è partito, il lavoro fatto continua a portare risultati e se si continua a lavorare i risultati continueranno ad amplificarsi.

L'advertise porta è veloce nella partenza, ma anche istantanea nel concludere il proprio percorso: quando il budget pubblicitario è esaurito o le Advertise sospese, tutto scompare senza portare alcun ulteriore beneficio.

Quando si dovrebbe sicuramente scegliere l'advertise rispetto alla SEO? Semplicemente se si ha fretta e servono risultati immediati e si ha un budget abbastanza importante da investire.

Se invece si attiverà in parallelo una attività di vendita online ad una fisica già esistente ed avviata e non si ha "fretta" di vedere risultati e si ha budget da investire ma senza eccedere, sicuramente è un investimento migliore segliere la strada dell'ottimizzazione e del posizionamento siti web che porterà risultati concreti e duraturi.

Hai già un sito e-commerce ma non è visibile?

Probabilmente il tuo attuale sito non è visibile perché il codice di programmazione del sito non è ottimizzato e quindi non consente ai motori di ricerca di comprendere correttamente i contenuti e quindi di posizionare il sito web nelle prime posizioni, ma ricorda: non conviene sistemare un sito web. E' più vantaggioso realizzare un progetto web nuovo.


Se desideri scoprire il posizionamento attuale del tuo sito web e comprendere come migliorarne la visibilità puoi: visitare il sito della nostra web agency e contattarmi tramite whatsapp al 3349890342 per informazioni o pianificare una call online quando ti è più comodo.

Elenco TLD e mercato di riferimento

.academy: Schools, military academies, online learning websites, PTAs and student portals, any site created to be educational on a particular topic

.accountant: Certified Public Accountants, tax advisors, corporate accountants, personal and business accountants, professional CPA organizations

.accountants: accountants and accounting firms


.actor: Aspiring actors and their agents, theaters and movie studios, entertainment outlets, streaming video sites, movie review sites, celebrity gossip sites

.ads: advertising

.adult: adult entertainment (pornography)

.aero: air-transport industry

.africa: African and pan-African topics, African Union

.agency: Marketing and advertising agencies, PR or communications agencies, design firms, talent agencies, travel agencies, other related agencies

.airforce: Military recruiters, flight training schools, supply companies, military aircraft suppliers and repair companies, Air Force members and veterans



.apartments: Property (apartment) managers, condominium/apartment developers, college websites/centers, city guides and community centers

.app: Apps

.apple: Apple

.archi: architects and architect firms

.army: Military recruiter, army supply stores, military training schools, army members and veterans

.art: artists, museums, art galleries, dealers, service providers and contractors

.associates: Accountants, law firms, consulting firms, real estate agencies, health & medical groups

.attorney: Independent attorneys and law firms of any size, legal services entities, elected officials and judges, professional organizations, law students

.auction: Auction houses & online auctions, car and truck auction, B2B commodity auctions, charity auctions for non-profits and schools, buyer and seller communities


.audio: stereo/sound systems, music


.auto: vehicles

.autos: vehicles


.baby: For selling baby products

.band: Music venues, ticket sale/resale sites, music band & musician sites, school band sites, music review sites

.bank: banks

.bar: Bars and related industry


.bargains: Online retailers, large and small, “sale” sections on retail websites, discount & overstock sites, bargain hunters, frugal-living bloggers

.baseball: baseball

.basketball: basketball


.beer: breweries and beer aficionados



.bet: gambling

.bible: Respect for "the Bible", "God as He is revealed in the Bible", and "orthodox" Christianity

.bid: auctions

.bike: Bicycle & motorcycle enthusiasts, bike retailers & gear shops, bike repair shops, biking event organizers, bike or motorcycle clubs

.bingo: Bingo halls, casinos, online & casual gaming sites, travel agencies

.bio: Organic agriculture

.biz: business

.black: those who like the color black

.blackfriday: Black Friday, retail


.blog: Blogs

.blue: those who like the color blue




.boston: websites related to the city of Boston, Massachusetts USA


.boutique: Specialty online retailers, vintage shops, designers, artists and artisans, craftspeople

.box: individuals and businesses, in order to promote personal cloud storage

.broadway: Broadway theatre


.build: construction industry

.builders: Contractors, subcontractors, commercial/residential architects, interior designers

.business: Creative businesses & agencies, freelancers & independent consultants, any other business looking to differentiate from the competition

.buy: sales

.buzz: marketing and social networking

.cab: Airline & travel-related products or services, city guides & tourist attractions, transportation businesses, hotels, hostels, B&Bs, lodging, tourist attractions

.cafe: Cafes, restaurants, delis, cafeterias, coffee shops & coffee stands, student lounges, mobile food/beverage vendors, cooking schools


.cam: entertainment

.camera: Professional photographers, camera and equipment retailers, photo studios & photography schools, wedding and specialty photographers, anyone who wants to share photos online

.camp: Camping/RV sites, travel writers & bloggers, outdoor adventure companies, summer camps for kids, hotels, hostels, lodges, bed & breakfast lodging

.cancerresearch: Organizations, research institutes and individuals interested in ending cancer through research

.capital: Mortgage companies, financial services professionals, investment services, venture capital investors

.car: vehicles

.cards: Occasion shoppers (holiday, birthday, bereavement), occasion-related websites, gift buyers, corporate HR departments

.care: Surgeons, primary/secondary care physicians, insurance providers, hospitals & clinics, medical, dental, or vision specialists, service based products or services

.career: jobs and job-searching

.careers: Career services (coaching, resume writing), job sites & recruiters, business coaches, staffing firms, HR department of any business

.cars: Automotive


.cash: Pawn shops and consignment shops, currency exchanges, other cash-based businesses, check cashing services

.casino: Casino & online gaming sites, travel agencies, local tourist sites, hotel booking sites

.catering: Caterers & personal chefs, specialty food vendors, wedding planners & event planners, event spaces, wholesale suppliers

.catholic: Catholicism

.center: Community centers, business centers, shopping centers, tourist sites/city centers, tutoring & learning centers

.cern: CERN

.ceo: CEOs

.cfd: clothing fashion design; originally signified contracts for difference trading when applied for by IG Group Holdings plc


.chat: Online chat rooms, dating, political, religious, sports, human interest, & hobbyist forums, companies with live chat help desks, chatbot technology companies


.cheap: Online retailers, discount sites, overstock sites, businesses who sell bulk products at discounted prices, bargain hunters & frugal-living bloggers

.christmas: Christmas

.church: Churches, youth organizations, spiritual communities, religion-based organizations, anyone who publishes spiritual or religious content


.city: City resource sites for locals and travelers, travel writers & bloggers, local reviews websites, tourist attractions, transportation businesses

.claims: Insurance adjusters & claims representatives, insurance claims departments (auto, medical, homeowners), customer service departments of insurance companies, law firms

.cleaning: Contractors, commercial/home cleaning services, auto detailing/cleaning services


.clinic: Healthcare clinics, medical or healthcare specialists, sports clinics, urgent care clinics

.clothing: Online retailers, department stores, designers

.cloud: Companies involved in cloud computing

.club: groups, organizations, assemblies, communities, general

.coach: Athletic organizations, personal trainers & coaches, business, life, & health coaches, school & community club coaches or tutors, affordable travel, airline, train, car, or other transportation companies

.codes: Software and web developers, IT companies, technology R&D companies, coding enthusiasts, coding classes & camps

.coffee: Coffee shops, roasters, wholesalers & suppliers, machine & equipment suppliers and stands

.college: Educational

.community: City guides & community centers, online communities, neighborhood associations, churches, mosques, temples, and other spiritual communities, local writers & bloggers

.company: Small, medium, or large businesses, business that want to demonstrate authority in their field, makers, artisans, anyone who sells a niche product


.computer: Computer manufacturers, computer repair services, computer resellers, computer training & education programs, tech companies

.condos: Real estate brokers/agents, property (condominium) managers, mortgage companies, condominium/apartment developers, condominium associations

.construction: Contractors, commercial/residential architects, wholesale and retail construction suppliers

.consulting: Consulting firms, independent consultants, specialty services, businesses that offer expert training


.contractors: Construction-related businesses, contractors, subcontractors, independent contractors with unique skills and expertise, unions or other organizations promoting their people and skills

.cooking: sharing recipes

.cool: Fashion magazines & blogs, meme aggregators, trend tracking sites, online merchants, fun publications & sites

.coop: cooperatives

.country: general

.coupon: discounts and rebates

.coupons: Coupon pages, coupon sites, discount sites, coupon-themed blogs, bargain hunters

.courses: education

.cpa: accountants and accounting firms

.credit: Credit card companies, lenders, credit unions, collection agencies, credit counselors & financial planners

.creditcard: Credit card companies, store/retailer credit card sites, credit counselors & financial planners, credit card processing services

.cruise: Cruise lines, cruise-related products or services, travel agencies & vacation services, private charter boats

.cricket: cricket

.cruises: cruise businesses and travel

.cyou: For any individual or business that shares the ethical values of diversity, inclusivity, and independence

.dad: families

.dance: Dance studios & instructors, nightclubs & music venues, dance teams & troupes, dance shoe, clothing & equipment manufacturers, fans of dance & live performances


.date: online dating

.dating: Dating & matchmaker sites, travel sites & city guides, singles meetup groups, traditional “classified” sites, event businesses

.day: general

.deal: sales

.deals: Discount sites, bargain hunters, coupon sites, coupon pages. coupon-themed guides, directories and blogs

.degree: Brick-and-mortar schools & universities, online universities, other learning courses, other educational resources

.delivery: Consumer delivery services, commercial shipping services, transportation services, messenger services, any business that ships their products

.democrat: Political candidates, lobbyists, political parties, fundraising organizations

.dental: Dentists, endodontists, orthodontists, retailers selling oral health supplies, wholesale suppliers for dental care

.dentist: Dentists, endodontists, orthodontists, retailers selling oral health supplies, wholesale suppliers for dental care

.design: graphic art and fashion

.dev: software development

.diamonds: Jewelers, diamond wholesalers and retailers, jewelry appraisers and buyers, pawn shops

.diet: dieting and dietary

.digital: Advertising/Marketing/PR/Design agencies, media buying/production companies (digital & traditional), online event, meetup & gaming sites, technology companies, e-commerce sites

.direct: Direct-to-consumer stores, bargain hunters, transportation services, messenger services, delivery & shipping services

.directory: Listings organizations, name, phone & address directories, online business directories, clubs, groups, & other organizations directories

.discount: Discount sites, bargain hunters, coupon sites, coupon pages, coupon-themed blogs

.diy: do-it-yourself

.docs: Medical doctors

.doctor: Doctors, any business with “doctor” in the name, other health care providers, PhD experts in any field

.dog: Dog breeders, dog walking, grooming & sitting businesses, veterinarians, animal shelters & adoption centers, pet stores & suppliers

.domains: Any web-based service, network consultants, domain brokers, resellers and registrars, home-related products and services


.download: technology



.earth: Individuals or businesses with a worldwide focus

.eat: restaurants and foodies

.eco: Sustainability minded companies, non-profits and professionals.

.education: Colleges & universities, public schools, PTAs & other school groups, education research organizations, any organization focused on educating its audience

.email: Advertising/Marketing/PR/Design agencies, email marketing experts, CRM and marketing technology specialists, anyone who wants a memorable email address

.energy: Electrical, mechanical, chemical, nuclear & thermal energy producers, solar, wind, hydro, bio & other sustainable alternative energy producers, battery manufacturers & oil industry R&D, energy conservation organizations, energy food & drink manufacturers

.engineer: Computer and software engineering companies, civil, electrical, mechanical, and architectural engineering companies, environmental, chemical, geotechnical, and bio engineering companies, engineer training or educational institutions, railroad engineers

.engineering: Computer and software engineering companies, civil, electrical, mechanical, and architectural engineering companies, environmental, chemical, geotechnical, and bio engineering companies, engineer training or educational institutions, railroad engineers

.edeka: edeka firms

.entertainment: Ticket outlets, travel sites & local tourist sites, performance halls, theaters, & music venues, anyone in the entertainment industry, celebrity news sites

.enterprises: Entrepreneurs, startups, parent & holding companies, enterprise SaaS solutions & tech services

.equipment: Home improvement stores, construction equipment rentals, construction equipment sales, sporting goods stores

.esq: lawyers, law firms, legal professionals

.estate: Estate sale management & appraisal services, estate planners & lawyers, real estate agents & brokers

.events: Event planners, sports & gaming agencies/sites, ticket sale/resale sites, city guides & community centers, performance halls, music clubs/bars

.exchange: Foreign currency exchanges, stock brokers, investment fund traders, ETF distributors, brokers, & dealers

.expert: Home services providers, online review sites, skilled worker databases, freelanceers, consultants, & subject matter experts

.exposed: Tabloid sites, celebrity romance blog, TV spoiler sites, sites that host leaked documents, investigative journalism sites

.express: Transportation services, messenger services, delivery & shipping services, direct-to-consumer stores

.fail: Online meme aggregators, humor websites, video sites

.faith: religion and churches

.family: Family-focused travel sites, blogs about family-friendly activities & games, family history sites, photo sites, obstetricians & family practice doctors

.fan: Fan sites, current events & gossip sites, sport blogs and forums, personal & business sites about niche topics

.fans: general

.farm: Real estate brokers/agents, farming services & equipment dealers, farmers & ranchers, property managers, health food distributors, cryptocurrency farmers

.fashion: clothing industry


.feedback: feedback and reviews


.film: films

.final: final versions of anything

.finance: Investment services, banks & financial institutes, credit counselors & financial planners, accounting firms, lenders

.financial: Investment services, banks & financial institutions, credit counselors & financial planners, accounting firms, lenders


.fish: Seafood markets, restaurants & suppliers, sport fishing & fly fishing enthusiasts, fishing gear, tackle, & product manufacturers, travel outfitters & fishing guide companies, aquariums, pet & fish supply stores, marine biology programs & conservation organizations

.fishing: fishing businesses, sports, and interests

.fit: Fitness and exercise

.fitness: Gyms, athletic clubs & family health organizations, personal trainers, weight loss, health & wellness clinics, health & exercise blogs, fitness competition & events companies

.flights: Airline-related products or services, helicopter rides, skydiving, & hang gliding, travel agencies & travel services, private pilots, airport transportation

.florist: Florists, flower delivery services, floral designers, flower seed suppliers

.flowers: florists and gardens

.fly: travel

.foo: web development



.football: Professional & amateur football & soccer teams, football clothing, gear & fan merchandise, football equipment manufacturers, football coaches & players

.forsale: Individual real estate brokers and brokerages, wholesalers and retailers across many product categories, discount, flash sale and deal websites, auction sites and individuals selling items they no longer need

.forum: forums

.foundation: Charitable organizations, public school foundations, other philanthropic organizations & foundations

.free: sales



.fund: Investment services, banks & financial institutions, credit counselors & financial planners, lenders

.furniture: Home décor and furnishing stores, department stores, home designers, vintage stores, antique dealers

.fyi: for your information

.gallery: Galleries, professional photographers, camera and equipment retailers, photo studios & photography schools, wedding and specialty photographers, anyone who wants to share photos online

.game: gaming

.games: Gaming sites, forums & reviews, online or brick & mortar game stores/clubs, sports events, clubs—professional & recreational, casinos

.garden: gardening

.gay: gay individuals or supportive organisations

.gdn: general

.gift: gift-giving

.gifts: Gift buyers, discount sites, corporate HR departments, bargain hunters

.gives: Philanthropic organizations and foundations, charities, nonprofits, corporate giving initiatives, volunteer organizations

.glass: Glass & glass repair shops, glass departments within home supply stores, contractors, windshield repair & auto glass businesses, DIYers/artists

.gle: Google abbreviations

.global: general, companies or individuals with a global focus or presence

.gold: Jewelers, gold traders and dealers, coin sellers and traders, trophy and awards shops

.golf: Professional & amateur golf organizations, golf courses, equipment suppliers & manufacturers, golf travel & event companies, golf players, enthusiasts & spectators, sports networks

.google: Google

.gop: Republican Party politics

.graphics: Web design firms, freelance designers, graphic artists

.green: the environmentally-focused

.gripe: Online complaint sites, online forums, customer service providers, feedback sites, blogs about scams


.group: Groups based on hobbies or interests (running, crafts, gaming), group-based businesses (medical practices, law firms, financial advisors), professional associations, support groups

.guide: City resource sites for locals and travelers, travel writers & bloggers, local reviews websites, tourist attractions & guides, outdoor adventure companies

.guitars: Guitars

.guru: Mindfulness & yoga practices, spiritual leadership sites, any training program, work-for-hire sites, freelancers, consultants, & subject matter experts

.hair: haircare products and services


.health: health and related topics

.healthcare: Primary/secondary care physicians, hospitals & clinics, healthcare insurance providers & brokers, company HR/benefits departments

.help: help sites

.here: generic geographic

.hiphop: Hip hop culture

.hiv: AIDS and HIV awareness

.hockey: Sports media, sporting goods stores & hockey equipment suppliers, professional, minor league & amateur hockey teams, hockey fans, fantasy leagues, sponsors, coaches & referees

.holdings: Holding companies, private equity firms, real estate developers

.holiday: Airline-related products or services, travel agencies, resources & services, travel writers & bloggers, city guides & resource sites, hotels, hostels, B&Bs, lodging


.homes: real estate professionals


.horse: horse-related businesses and interest

.hospital: Hospitals & clinics, healthcare providers, medical, dental, or vision specialists, insurance providers

.host: network companies




.house: Real estate brokers/agents, mortgage companies, home builders, construction/home improvement suppliers, home improvement sites & blogs

.how: how-to guides


.icu: entrepreneurs and business owners

.inc: Corporations

.industries: Machine or equipment manufacturers, manufacturers, tech or biotech companies, professional associations, businesses with “industries” in their names

.info: information

.ing: Verbal suffix: e.g., "jump.ing".

.ink: creative printing or tattooing

.institute: Educational institutions, training programs, foundations, research organizations, military schools

.insurance: insurance companies

.insure: Insurance companies (life, auto, homeowners, renters), insurance divisions of larger companies (car rentals, warranties), insurance brokers & advisors

.international: Any organization with an international presence, international consultants, import/export businesses, international travel organizations

.investments: Investment services (institutional, private), wealth management services, financial planners, brokerage firms

.irish: Airline-related products or services, domestic/International travel agencies, resources & services, travel writers & bloggers, Ireland travel guides & resource sites, seasonal opportunities (St. Patrick's Day)

.jewelry: Jewelers, jewelry buyers, online retailers, department stores

.jobs: Employment


.kim: Kim (Korean surname)

.kitchen: Restaurants, cafes, & delis, food stands & mobile vendors, meal services & personal chefs, kitchen supply stores, food blogs & recipe sites

.kosher: Kosher food certification and regulations

.land: Real estate brokers and agents, residential/commercial land developers, home builders, mortgage companies, traditional “classified” sites

.lat: Latin American communities and users

.law: practitioners and educators in law

.lawyer: Independent attorneys and law firms of any size, legal services entities, elected officials and judges, professional organizations, law students

.lease: Real estate brokers/agents, property managers, condo/apartment developers, real estate law firms


.legal: Attorneys, lawyers & law firms, corporate legal teams, paralegals, legal advocates, committees, associations and interest groups associated with the law

.lgbt: the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community

.life: Wellness and health experts, charities, coaches & personal development enthusiasts, lifestyle bloggers, anyone who wants to share personal stories

.lifeinsurance: life insurance

.lighting: Lighting & lighting repair shops, lighting departments within home supply stores, contractors, commercial/residential architects, DIYers


.limited: Private companies, limited by shares, limited companies, businesses with “limited” or “LTD” in their names, specialty products and services, businesses that sell limited-quantity products

.limo: Airline & travel-related products or services, city guides & tourist attractions, transportation businesses, hotels, lodging, weddings, party and occasion-related services

.link: connecting to information

.live: Live streaming sites, entertainment/music venues, news sites/blogs, ticket sale/resale sites, video production companies


.loan: banks and lenders

.loans: Mortgage companies, personal loan agencies, auto loan agencies & car dealerships, credit consolidation services


.lol: LOL: laughing out loud (humorous or comedic content)

.lotto: lottery

.love: dating sites

.ltd: Private companies, limited by shares, limited companies, businesses with “limited” or “LTD” in their names, specialty products and services, businesses that sell limited-quantity products

.luxury: businesses catering to the wealthy


.management: Property managers, wealth management firms, money management, systems & network managers, leadership teams

.map: maps and navigation

.market: Online retailers, independent or chain grocery stores, buyer and seller communities, discount sites & coupon sites

.marketing: Advertising/Marketing/PR/Design agencies, media buying/production companies (digital & traditional), staffing agencies, marketing consultants


.mba: Colleges, universities, & graduate programs, online educational sites, job search sites, MBA candidates

.med: medicine and related topics

.media: Advertising/Marketing/PR/Design agencies, media buying/production companies (digital & traditional), news outlets, media bloggers, celebrity publications, digital publishers & graphic designers

.meet: social gatherings, meeting new people

.meme: Internet memes

.memorial: News site obituaries, personal tribute sites, floral & funeral arrangement companies

.men: men

.menu: restaurants


.mobi: mobile devices



.moe: Japanese otaku culture; see moe (slang)

.mom: mothers

.money: Lenders, financial services businesses, money blogs & news sites, investment bankers & brokers, financial planners & experts


.mortgage: Mortgage brokers, real estate brokers/agents, home buyers, traditional “classified” sites

.motorcycles: motorcycles

.mov: digital video

.movie: Streaming movie services, movie studios & distributors, movie theaters & entertainment outlets, ticket sale/resale sites, movie review sites

.museum: museums

.music: Music dissemination and appreciation

.name: individuals, by name

.navy: Naval training schools, navy supply stores, military recruiters, credit unions, navy members and veterans

.network: IT professionals, tech consultants, career sites, industry-specific professional groups, social networks

.new: Websites where people can create something

.news: News organizations, educational publications, trade publications, neighborhood news blogs

.ngo: Non-governmental organizations.

.ninja: Sites promoting specialized skills, repair services (auto, appliance, etc.), gaming sites, martial arts organizations





.org: general

.one: general

.ong: Non-governmental organizations.

.onl: generic

.online: generic

.ooo: general

.open: private to the "Registry Operator and its qualified Affiliates and Trademark Licensees"

.organic: organic gardeners, farmers, foods, etc.



.partners: Law firms, real estate agencies, investment firms, accounting firms, nonprofit organizations

.parts: Appliance wholesalers & service, tool rentals & service businesses, auto/boat/heavy equipment businesses

.party: nightclubs and social gatherings

.pay: electronic payments

.pet: animals and pets

.pharmacy: pharmacies

.phone: telephone-related businesses

.photo: photography and photo-sharing

.photography: Professional photographers, camera and equipment retailers, photo studios & photography schools, wedding and specialty photographers, anyone who wants to share photos online

.photos: Professional photographers, camera and equipment retailers, photo studios & photography schools, wedding and specialty photographers, anyone who wants to share photos online

.physio: physical therapists

.pics: photography and photo-sharing

.pictures: Professional photographers, camera and equipment retailers, photo studios & photography schools, wedding and specialty photographers, anyone who wants to share photos online

.pid: personal identification


.pink: those who like the color pink

.pizza: Pizzerias, take & bake pizza shops, Italian or Greek restaurants, pizza brands found in grocery stores

.place: Airline-related products or services, travel agencies, resources & services, travel writers & bloggers, tourist attractions, hotels, hostels, B&Bs, lodging

.plumbing: Plumbers & plumbing repair businesses, plumbing departments within home supply stores, contractors/subcontractors, DIYers

.plus: Consumer commodity stores & sites, clothing (plus, big & tall), service-based businesses, any entity wanting to show their competitive advantage

.poker: Poker players and sites

.porn: adult entertainment (pornography)

.post: postal services

.press: publishing and journalism


.pro: professions/professionals

.productions: Advertising/Marketing/PR/Design agencies, media buying/production companies (digital & traditional), video production services, anyone in the film industry

.prof: Professors, teachers and learning

.promo: advertising

.properties: Real estate brokers/agents, residential/Commercial land developers, property (condo/apartment) managers, home builders, mortgage companies

.property: real estate

.protection: security

.pub: Pubs, bars & nightclubs, burger joints, breweries & taphouses, beer distributors, restaurant & bar suppliers

.qpon: coupons


.racing: racing

.radio: radio stations


.realestate: real estate

.realtor: realtors

.realty: realty and housing

.recipes: Recipe sites, food & beverage grocery brands, health & fitness organizations, cooking enthusiasts, personal/professional chefs

.red: those who like the color red

.rehab: Physical and occupational therapists and professionals, drug, alcohol and gambling addiction counselors, rehabilitation facilities and recovery centers, online health directories, physical or emotional health associations

.reit: real estate investment trusts

.rent: Real estate professionals and small businesses


.rentals: Real estate brokers/agents, city guides, college housing centers, & community centers, vehicle, equipment, or entertainment/event rentals, property managers, condo/apartment developers

.repair: General or specialty repair shops, construction contractors/subcontractors, DIYers, appliance wholesalers & service, auto/boat businesses

.report: News and current events sites, financial reporting sites, financial or business analysts, consumer product reviews, police, school, or other community report listings

.republican: Political candidates, lobbyists, political parties, fundraising organizations

.rest: Restaurants and related industry

.restaurant: Casual eateries, gourmet restaurants, suppliers, chains, review sites, reservation sites & services

.review: public reviews

.reviews: News media, food publications, travel publications, literary publications, any product & service with online reviews

.rich: businesses catering to the wealthy

.rip: Loved ones seeking to memorialize the deceased, funeral homes and cemeteries, businesses that support the funeral industry, obituary websites

.rocks: Pop culture sites, niche and fan sites, musicians, gemstone & jewelry companies

.rodeo: Rodeo interest

.room: lodging or room design

.rugby: rugby

.run: Runners, running shoe retailers, specialty running gear shops, running event organizers

.safe: security and safety

.sale: Online and brick-and-mortar retailers and wholesalers, automotive and motorcycle dealers, discount, flash sale, and deal websites, auction sites and individuals selling items they no longer need

.salon: Hair salons, nail salons, beauty product companies, beauty schools



.scholarships: scholarship related


.school: Public schools, private & charter schools, specialty and trade schools, online learning sites, resource sites for teachers

.science: science-related sites

.search: search engines

.secure: security



.services: Service division of any company, home services (cleaning, landscaping, plumbing, pet care), business services (tech support, interior design, translation services), community service organizations

.sex: adult entertainment (pornography)

.sexy: adult entertainment

.shoes: Shoe stores, department stores, online retailers, athletic shoe retailers, discount shoe stores


.shopping: Online retailers, shopping centers, personal shoppers, discount sites & coupon sites, shopping blogs & product reviews

.show: Ticket sale/resale sites, performance halls, music clubs/bars, streaming video services, movie review sites, travel sites & city guides



.singles: (Tickets) Ticket sale/resale sites, gaming agencies, movie review sites, city guides, sports sites

.site: general

.ski: skiing






.soccer: Professional & amateur soccer clubs, soccer equipment suppliers & manufacturers, soccer & sports media networks, soccer players, enthusiasts, & spectators, soccer camps, coaches, & training organizations

.social: Advertising/Marketing/PR/Design agencies, media buying/production companies (digital & traditional), blogs & forums, event & meetup groups, any person or organization driving awareness of their social presence

.software: Software testing, support, & consulting companies, software product developers & manufacturers, software training & educational institutions, software resellers

.solar: Renewable & sustainable energy producers, solar panel, roof tile, & storage producers, solar cell battery, chargers, lights, speakers, & generator manufacturers, sunglass, shades, UV clothing, sunblock & other solar protection products

.solutions: SaaS providers, people who offer do-it-yourself tips and tutorials, consultants, any business focused on providing the right solutions to their customers’ problems.


.spa: Spas

.space: as a creative space

.spreadbetting: Spread betting


.sport: sport institutions

.srl: Spanish/Italian/Romanian/French limited liability companies

.stockholm: Stockholm municipality in Sweden

.storage: Self storage

.store: stores

.stream: streaming media

.studio: Advertising/Marketing/PR/Design agencies, creative freelancers, other creative agencies (i.e., animation, production), dance, yoga, or fitness studios

.study: education

.style: Fashion bloggers, department stores, designers, online retailers

.sucks: gripe sites

.supplies: Contractors, distribution companies, appliance wholesalers & service, auto/boat/heavy equipment businesses, home services retailers

.supply: Contractors, distribution companies, appliance wholesalers & service, auto/boat/heavy equipment businesses

.support: IT/Tech support services, social services, customer service & support departments, independent consultants & consulting firms, staffing services

.surf: surfing

.surgery: Surgeons, primary/secondary care physicians, hospitals & clinics, healthcare providers, insurance providers

.systems: IT businesses, other tech-focused businesses, businesses that sell electronics or home security systems, organizational consultants


.tattoo: tattoo aficionados

.tax: Accounting & bookkeeping firms, tax advisors, auditors, financial experts & advisors

.taxi: Airline & travel-related products or services, city guides & tourist attractions, transportation businesses, hotels, hostels, B&Bs, lodging, tourist attractions

.team: Professional & amateur sports teams, sports equipment suppliers & manufacturers, sports media, athletes & fans, clubs, online communities & business organizations

.tech: technology

.technology: Tech-focused businesses & tech startups, businesses that sell to tech companies, developers, coders, programmers, computer retailers, technology blogs, news sites, & review sites, hardware & software companies, R&D companies, tech product manufacturers

.tel: internet communication services

.tennis: Tennis courts, clubs & other venues, tennis equipment suppliers and retailers, professional & amateur tennis players, sports media

.theater: Entertainment & movie theater outlets, live performance theaters, professional performer associations, movie review sites, travel sites & city guides

.theatre: theatre

.tickets: ticket resale

.tips: Travel, hotel & hospitality companies, cooking & recipe publications, parenting & and relationship publications, manufacturers of any product with assembly instructions, publications that provide advice on gratuity practices around the world

.tires: Tire wholesalers, tire retailers, auto repair shops

.today: News & current event sites, websites that publish daily content, daily inspiration sites, sites with daily rotating deals or offers, anyone who wants to spur immediate action

.tools: Tool shops, tool departments within home supply stores, contractors, subcontractors, construction-related businesses

.top: general

.tours: Airline-related products or services, travel agencies, resources & services, tourist attractions, outdoor adventure companies, private plane/helicopter tours & services

.town: Travel agencies, resources & services, local business associations, city guides & resource sites, transportation businesses, hotels, hostels, B&Bs, lodging

.toys: Toy stores, online retailers, department stores, game companies, sporting goods companies

.trade: businesses


.training: Personal trainers & nutrition coaches, gyms and fitness centers, sports medicine practitioners, business that sell sports gear or apparel, or fan merchandise, animal trainers, career or vocational training centers

.travel: Airline-related products or services, travel agencies, resources, bloggers & services, city guides & tourist attractions, transportation businesses, destination resorts, hotels, hostels, B&Bs, lodging, any other travel or transportation business






.university: Online universities, brick-and-mortar universities, university-related clubs & organizations

.uno: general, Spanish and Italian speakers, Uno (card game)

.vacations: Airline-related products or services, travel agencies, resources, bloggers & services, city guides & tourist attractions, transportation businesses, destination resorts, hotels, hostels, B&Bs, lodging

.ventures: Venture capital investment firms, business financial services, business consultants, programs & services for entrepreneurs

.vet: Veterinarians, veterinary clinics and hospitals, wholesale suppliers for veterinary supplies

.video: Video production & media companies, videographers, video editors, script writers, & producers, streaming video sites services, creative agencies

.villas: International real estate brokers/agents, international travel agencies, resources & services, travel writers & bloggers, traditional “classified” sites

.vin: Wineries, wine shops & wine bars, wine distributors, wine clubs & online retailers, wine review sites and apps

.vip: Very important persons

.vision: Opticians & optometry clinics, healthcare providers, insurance provider, glasses retailers, online and brick & mortar

.vodka: vodka-related businesses and interest


.vote: democratic elections and campaign websites

.voting: polling sites

.voyage: Airline-related products or services, travel agencies, resources, bloggers & services, city guides & tourist attractions, transportation businesses, hotels, hostels, B&Bs, lodging

.wang: general

.watch: Watchmakers, jewelry stores, watch repair shops, neighborhood watch groups

.watches: watches


.webcam: web cam shows and video sharing

.website: general

.wed: engaged couples and wedding-oriented businesses

.wedding: wedding-oriented businesses

.whoswho: Who's Who (general)

.wiki: wikis

.win: games, Microsoft Windows

.wine: Wineries, wine bars, wine shops, wine distributors, wine clubs & online retailers, wine review sites


.work: general

.works: Contractors, distribution companies, appliance wholesalers & service, auto/boat/heavy equipment businesses, companies with solution based products or services

.world: Brands with an international presence, nonprofits and charities, travel agencies & adventure companies, world travelers & global communities, any business with “world” in its name


.wtf: Bargain websites, photo & video aggregators, meme sites, news of the weird

.xxx: adult entertainment (pornography)

.xyz: general


.yachts: yachts

.yoga: yoga




.zip: digital storage information, providers, and related entities

.zone: Sports fans, technology groups & followers, entertainment, fairs, destinations with a “zone”, city planners & zoning regulators, any topic with a following

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